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What I offer


Usui Reiki

Usui reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing used through the palms of our hands. The art of reiki is an effective way of channeling this energy to promote deep healing on a physical and mental, emotional level. On a physical level reiki can decrease pain, escalate the healing time of bones and wounds by relaxing the muscles. On a mental and emotional level it can help reduce stress and anxiety and a sense of wellbeing is created. Going into a sense of deep relaxation helps rebalance our energies and the healing ability of the body is enhanced. 

What to expect during the treatment

Once you step foot in my healing room you will feel instantly relaxed. To receive the treatments you will lie comfortably on a bed. I will then firstly guide you through a 10 minute meditation to help the body feel completely relaxed. The reiki treatment will then begin which usually lasts around 45 minutes ( can last longer depending on what the energies feel you need). Usui reiki works with our chakra system. Chakras are considered a psychological system that helps govern our emotions and behaviors. During the treatment I will work on all 7 chakras within the body by placing my hands over them removing any energetic blockages that you may have while channeling the energy through my hands into your chakra. 


Blockages in our chakras are made up of built up energy. When these chakras are blocked the pain can be felt physically and emotionally such as pains in certain parts of the body or being out of touch without emotions, feeling stressed and anxious all the time. Making sure pit chakras are balanced is really important to maintain good health and to keep our energy body in check. 


Angelic Reiki

Angelic reiki treatments differ slightly to usui reiki in what it has to offer. Angelic reiki is a tranquil and powerful healing modality that works at a soul level. It works with the highest energies of love and wisdom of the angels. Angelic reiki was channeled through the angelic kingdom specifically through archangel metatron. 


During the session I will channel these healing energies through the angels and the angelic kingdom which will guide me through the healing while the energies are being transferred on to you. The angels that are worked with in the angelic kingdom are all beings of pure love and light. They come through me to heal you on a physical, mental and emotional level, to bring back balance to your entire being and can bring about improvements in many aspects of your life. Working with the angelic realm each attunement is given to each person by their own angel and has a strong connection to your soul's purpose.

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Light Language

Light language is a vibrational frequency that heals on a cellular level by clearing unwanted or stagnant energy that is not in alignment with our highest good. It helps us reach higher states of consciousness. It is understood on a soul level allowing us to connect deeper to ourselves and access our own gifts and abilities 


This form of healing is set out in the same way as a reiki healing. You will come in and lie down on the bed fully clothed being comforted with a blanket and a pillow. You will then be guided through a relation meditation and the healing will then commence. The time of light language healings vary for each person depending on what the energies feel they need at that present moment. Each healing may usually last around 1 hour if not longer following on with an angel card reading. 

Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2

Angelic reiki works with the highest and healing energies of the angelic realm. If you are interested in learning how to deeply heal yourself with such a beautiful healing modality this workshop is definitely for you. 


Every person is able and open to receiving these attunements and has the ability to be able to heal themselves and those around them. Working closely with the angels and diving deeper into yourself promoting healing and balance where it is needed most, you will be guided by myself and the angels every step of the way. 


What to expect on the level 1&2 workshop.

The workshop will be taught over a number of three days. On the first day you will receive a welcome and induction. This will then be followed by your first cleansing and first attunement into the angelic realm. You will also be guided through a deep relaxation and tranquil meditation before leaving your first day making you feel completely comfortable within these energies. 


On the second day we will then share any of our experiences we had from the first day and how we are feeling. The group will then be guided through a meditation to help calm and relax the body.. You will then receive your second cleansing and attunement. After receiving your second attunement you will then be guided through

  • healing as a channel  

  • healing with intention (using your third eye). 

  • self healing 

  • distance healing 

  • healing pregnant women and children. 

You will also have plenty of opportunities throughout the workshop to practice healings on others in the group until you feel completely comfortable doing this. 


On the last day you will receive your last angelic attunement and will be taught how to heal with the below 

  • healing with ascended masters 

  • healing with galactic healers 

  • past life and multidimensional healing 


You will also receive support and guidance as a healer how to engage with your clients and what skills and equipment you will need. After this you will then receive your certificate and manuals with all the information you need from the workshop after becoming a qualified angelic healer. 

For prices and more information please contact us directly. 

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